Creating a testimonial

Creating a testimonial

Creating your first testimonial 

Adding testimonials to your knowledge base can help build trust with new users as well as show appreciation to existing users who gave you feedback. We have added a testimonial section which allows you to show off your testimonials in a responsive slider. of course, this is an optional feature. 

To create your first testimonial

navigate to the testimonial page from the menu 

on the testimonial page, click 'Create new testimonial' 

A popup modal will appear with the following options  

client name

Enter the name of your client, this could be anything excluding profanities.

client type

Select the type of client that will show on the testimonial slider, the available options are 

  • Customer 
  • Client
  • Lifetime member
  • VIP
  • Beta user
  • Guest


Select the star rating for the testimonial, from 1 to 5 stars. if you are adding testimonials, be as accurate as you can with the rating. 

Testimonial text

add any text from the testimonial here, again, be as accurate as you can although in some cases, you may need to remove profanities to get past our filter.


just like our other article types, you can choose 'Draft' or 'Published', 'Draft' means only you and your team can view the testimonials, and 'Published' means its available for the general public.

Once you are happy with the content, click the 'Add Testimonial' button on the popup.