Customising your knowledge base

Customising your knowledge base

Customising your knowledge base

We have added plenty of options to help you customise your knowledge base to match your platform's colour schemes. You can also set the text, change the colour themes and show or hide specific areas. 

We will be adding more options as we go but if you need something specific then please let us know.

Get started customising your knowledge base

navigate to the branding page from the menu

on the next page you will see a row of tabs for each customisable section 


This tab allows you to show or hide specific sections, such as testimonials, FAQ or versions,

SAAS Details

Use this tab to enter more details for your platform including social media links, log in and register URLs, name of the platform and logos.


Change the colours for the menu


change the colours and the text for the header section 


change the text and the colours for the feature section

Knowledge Base

change the text and the colours for the knowledge base section


change the text and the colours for the testimonial section


Select a pre-set theme for your knowledge base or use it as a starting point.

Once you have made your changes, you can click save at the bottom of the page and then view your changes live on your site.