Viewing Analytics

Viewing Analytics

Knowledge base analytics

An important part of your knowledge base is how it helps your users. We have included an analytics suite that allows you to view popular pages as well as opportunities to improve your delivery of information. This could be organised into different categories, adding smaller knowledge base articles or FAQ articles or using more keywords in your content for searching.

To view your knowledge base analytics 

navigate to the analytics page from the menu 

on the next page, you will see a few different cards 

Views past month 

This is the total amount of page views in the previous 30 days

Searches past month 

This is the total number of searches performed in the previous 30 days

Unique visitors

this is the total number of unique visitors in the previous 30 days

Total views past 30 days 

This shows a chart showing the daily views for the previous 30 days 

Top 10 search terms past 30 days 

this table shows you the top 10 searched terms in the previous 30 days, plus the number of results found for that search term

User Journeys 

this allows you to view the previous 3 unique visitors' journeys around the site, perfect for viewing where users are navigating to and how much time they are spending at each step in their journey.

an example of the user journey is shown below