Adding Versons

Adding Versons

Adding version Details

Adding version information to your knowledge base helps your users see you are active in development and what new features you are working on or adding. This helps build trust, and reliability and gives better value for new and existing users. 

It also serves as a great way to communicate upcoming changes you want to build an audience for. 

Version details are shown on the same page with the newest version at the top this allows users to scroll from top to bottom and view your version history.

To create a version

navigate to the version page from the menu 

on the next page, click the 'Create new version button'

On the next page, you will have the following options available 

Version title 

Enter the name of this version, this might be as simple as 'Version 1.2.3' or something more detailed such as 'Version 1.2.3: Feature Upgrades for all!'


Enter the version number here, this is often added incrementally such as 1.2.3 , the format is typically [major version].[minor version].[patch].

for example, if we start with version 1.0.0 

  • you fixed something, the version becomes 1.0.1
  • you added a new feature, the version becomes 1.1.0
  • you overhauled the platform, the version becomes 2.0.0


just like every other article on leenlink, you can choose 'Draft' or 'Published', Draft means it is hidden from view, this is useful if you adding to the document while you are adding fixes and features, and then select Publish to make it public.

Once you are done, click the 'Save' button.