Your Dashboard

Your Dashboard

Your Dashboard

We have added a comprehensive dashboard to Leenlink to allow you to see key stats at a glance, as well as some suggestions for you.

Your dashboard is the first page you see when you log in and contains some useful information as detailed below.

The welcome area

shows you important information regarding your account


We often look at the knowledge bases available on leenlink and will offer some suggestions for you to improve, this could be missed search terms, opportunities to deliver more information and other useful help.

The number of articles you have 

It's often nice to see how many of each article you have available on your system. As a free user, you can only create 10 articles in total, this includes knowledge base, FAQ, versions and testimonials. 

Team members

view the number of team members you have on your team.

team invites

If you have been invited to a team, you can view any pending invitations in this section and then choose to accept or deny them as needed.